Monday, March 1, 2010

Sexual Health Report Card - full list - Sperling's Best Places

What a Gem!

Good Afternoon,

As I continue on my search for comparing cities that I and a few of my collegues may potentially want to live in I came across this
Sexual Health Report Card - full list - Sperling's Best Places
and thought not only is this a great concept but I wish I knew about this sooner.

I am anticipating the next report,not just for the details but for the ability it provides of choice making and awareness.

If we can make a conscious effort to do something better, different, helpful or proactive when we do make our moves in turn each step can help create a environment where Sexual Violence is not tolerated but more importantly Sexual Violence is talked about.

Take a look to see how you city or neighborhood ranks and upon doing so stay encouraged to get involved.

You can start today! Look locally to help move your State, City, School,Community Program move forward.

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