a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war.
the ultimate and decisive superiority in any battle or contest
a success or superior position achieved against any opponent, opposition, difficulty, etc.
At some point you have to claim “IT” for yourself - I know you may be tired, preoccupied with life, don’t have time and the list may go on but repeat after me:
I know what I want,
I'll rewrite the rules
I know my value,
I’m(Insert:______________)’s precious Jewel”
(name of Renewal Source/Higher Power)
When I heard this song playing today, I was tempted to do the same thing I did two years ago which was to shout and say Yes, Thank You Karina, beautiful song indeed. You are more then welcome to say those words above every morning or just when necessary, I don’t mind.
Music can be a gateway to healing, I would leave this alone because that in itself is a statement but I want to explore with you further, so for Today only when you read this, at whatever time it comes across your eyes do me a favor, yes YOU take a moment by yourself, in your car, with friends then, PAUSE.
Okay, find that one song , you know the one, when you hear it compels you to move from the inside, the one that makes you want to rock, nod your head, fist pump, jump, the one thing that will make you scrunch up your face because it starts to feel good umph, it is about to catch you, permission granted..get ugly with it !
Are you ready ? Would you like to suggest or exchange ideas ? You can tell me, well while I’m waiting for you to share and get comfortable. I must admit this to you, I have several songs that fit this category, I will share my Victory Song first because we are in this together.
Are you with me ladies? Do I have your attention men?
Let’s practice with your choice… say it, hum, write it down or sing it . I love it! If you are like me you just may be belting it out WORK IT!
My song today is: “CAN’T BRING ME DOWN” by Karina P.(young lady is a powerhouse) feel free to utilize. Here are some words from the song:
“Trust me, I know they will try
But they won’t bring me down
I know what I’m made of inside
They can’t bring me down
It ain’t over until the last round
Will they bring me down? No!
If I stumble I won’t hit the ground
They can’t bring me down” - Lyrics from Can’t Bring Me Down by Karina
The song you pick for your moment will start to move you in the smallest of ways, feel the momentum, maybe even a slight smile on your face, ladies and gentleman at that point it should feel organic, familiar. What is that? Your core, a feeling, your inner-self ,that connection, that says YES…I am ready today.
Go ahead! You have my permission to Enjoy, Tap into it and ROCK OUT.
Go ahead! You have my permission to Enjoy, Tap into it and ROCK OUT.
Remember, When you are unafraid and unashamed to LOVE yourself , you HELP to create a small opening where ___________(fill in the blank) can meet you right there as if to say Jamila,(put your name silly)
I recognize your power, I acknowledge you strength, your potential, your gifts...
I want in
I want a piece
I want you”
**Believe me, they “whoever” or “whatever” it will be, rightfully should want that newness.
Success is only truly measured from the inside, congratulations, the road to healing has never felt so good.
I appreciate, celebrate, applaud YOU because you, yes YOU all by yourself picked a great day to enrich yourself and start again.
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