Save The Date 4/20 starts week long”Awareness” for Men
I received this in an email and thought it was important to share with you. I'm not just saying this because I want everyone to be aware of, and speak out against, violence, but because this is something you can do that won’t cost you thing. Nevertheless I can guarantee you that value will be long-lasting.
In the state of Virginia during the week of April 20th-27th marks the White Ribbon Online Campaign which is held in recognition of Sexual Assault Month (April)
Participants are asked to keep the White Ribbon image as their profile picture on social networking sites for at least one week. They are also are asked to explain the meaning behind white ribbon should anyone inquire about it and to encourage others to change their profile picture as well.
Visit the White Ribbon Campaign website at http://www.whiteribbon.ca/to learn more about the campaign, men’s violence against women and how they can help with prevention.

The goal of this campaign is to show your friends online that you have had enough and are taking a stand against men’s violence against women.
I am definitely joining in, Will you do your part fellow Facebook and MySpacers? You can make a bold statement against the Violence of Women. Interested? Here’s how to do what I just did, Simply clink the link http://www.vahealth.org/Injury/sexualviolence/whiteribbon.htm
By participating in this campaign you are pledging that you will never commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women.
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