- Police have said the acts did not occur on church property and are not connected to the church.
- Two men who held leadership positions in the same Vinton church entered pleas Tuesday in unrelated sex crime cases involving children.
- Stone initially had been indicted on 24 felony charges, but some of them were dropped as part of a plea agreement.
- Stone is scheduled to be sentenced June 29,Silverman's sentencing is scheduled for July 7.
- Stone turned himself in to police 11/08 after he stood before the congregation at Church admitting he was in fact a molester
As reported on Roanoke Times
Dean Harold Stone, a former deacon at Heritage Baptist Church, pleaded guilty in Franklin County Circuit Court to 12 sex crimes. He faces up to three life sentences in jail.
Daniel Silverman, the church's former assistant pastor, pleaded no contest in Roanoke County Circuit Court to one count of aggravated sexual battery of a child. He faces up to 20 years in prison.
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