BUILD to BLEND stands for: Breaking Up Ideas Leading Downward to Build Ladies/Lives Entering New Directions BUILD to BLEND - caters to and supports a fellowship for Women and Men who have been affected by sexual violence in all it's forms. We come together to help bridge a gap taking Sexual Violence from “My issue", "that's just his/her struggle" to "OUR PROBLEM".
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009

a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war.
the ultimate and decisive superiority in any battle or contest
a success or superior position achieved against any opponent, opposition, difficulty, etc.
At some point you have to claim “IT” for yourself - I know you may be tired, preoccupied with life, don’t have time and the list may go on but repeat after me:
I know what I want,
I'll rewrite the rules
I know my value,
I’m(Insert:______________)’s precious Jewel”
(name of Renewal Source/Higher Power)
When I heard this song playing today, I was tempted to do the same thing I did two years ago which was to shout and say Yes, Thank You Karina, beautiful song indeed. You are more then welcome to say those words above every morning or just when necessary, I don’t mind.
Music can be a gateway to healing, I would leave this alone because that in itself is a statement but I want to explore with you further, so for Today only when you read this, at whatever time it comes across your eyes do me a favor, yes YOU take a moment by yourself, in your car, with friends then, PAUSE.
Okay, find that one song , you know the one, when you hear it compels you to move from the inside, the one that makes you want to rock, nod your head, fist pump, jump, the one thing that will make you scrunch up your face because it starts to feel good umph, it is about to catch you, permission granted..get ugly with it !
Are you ready ? Would you like to suggest or exchange ideas ? You can tell me, well while I’m waiting for you to share and get comfortable. I must admit this to you, I have several songs that fit this category, I will share my Victory Song first because we are in this together.
Are you with me ladies? Do I have your attention men?
Let’s practice with your choice… say it, hum, write it down or sing it . I love it! If you are like me you just may be belting it out WORK IT!
My song today is: “CAN’T BRING ME DOWN” by Karina P.(young lady is a powerhouse) feel free to utilize. Here are some words from the song:
“Trust me, I know they will try
But they won’t bring me down
I know what I’m made of inside
They can’t bring me down
It ain’t over until the last round
Will they bring me down? No!
If I stumble I won’t hit the ground
They can’t bring me down” - Lyrics from Can’t Bring Me Down by Karina
Go ahead! You have my permission to Enjoy, Tap into it and ROCK OUT.
I recognize your power, I acknowledge you strength, your potential, your gifts...
I want in
I want a piece
I want you”
**Believe me, they “whoever” or “whatever” it will be, rightfully should want that newness.
Success is only truly measured from the inside, congratulations, the road to healing has never felt so good.
I appreciate, celebrate, applaud YOU because you, yes YOU all by yourself picked a great day to enrich yourself and start again.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Justice Denied Revisited
I want to thank the Voices of Women project for be willing to not only take a vested interest but willing to broadcast it,so we all may benefit from it and hopefully in return, act accordingly.
The Voices of Women Organizing Project has released a report titled "Justice Denied: How Family Courts in NYC Endanger Battered Women and Children." The report found that women who have been abused by the father of their children lose custody thirty-seven percent of the time.
It also found that battered women are retraumatized when forced to confront their abusers in court, and that custody is often given to the abuser even when the woman is the primary caregiver. The organization made four recommendations to address these problems: create and fund a court watch project; make sure court decisions are made in the best interest of the children; consider seriously any abuse allegations; and be sure that court proceedings are just.
Research for the report was conducted over two years and consists of approximately 75 interviews with domestic violence survivors, focus groups of battered women and foster care teens, and meetings with court personnel.
The women interviewed for the report had all experienced abuse and had family court cases in 2005 or 2006. Eighty percent said their abusers used the courts to carry out a threat to gain custody of the children and keep them from having contact with their mothers.
Approximately thirty percent of the women said they did not feel safe in the courtroom, and forty percent said they did not feel safe in the waiting areas. In twenty-five percent of the cases women were told, sometimes by lawyers, not to bring up domestic abuse or to challenge custody because it might make the situation worse.
The report concluded that when the mothers appear in court a combination of factors, such as fear of the abuser, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder create a negative image of the mother's capability.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Proclamation by President Obama re: Domestic Violence
it is never too late to get involved and do something for yourself or someone else. As you know, Domestic Violence is highlighted nationally once a year in October so we here at BUILD to BLEND would like to extend our thank you to Individuals,Community Programs, Churches, Businesses, Service Providers, Allies and Advocates for taking time out to recognize, speak out, coordinate and take personal action against Domestic Violence. We would like to encourage you to not stop, we all can do our part everyday to aid in awareness against Sexual Violence, and Domestic Violence.
I love my president, for many reasons and this proclamation excites me, hopefully you can be moved as well by his words and deeds. You can read the entire Proclamation but what we will do is highlight(in Green) a few areas that excited us about what can still be done everyday.
Jamila and everyone here at BUILD to BLEND
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release October 1, 2009
September 30, 2009
Domestic violence touches the lives of Americans of all ages, leaving a devastating impact on women, men, and children of every background and circumstance. A family's home becomes a place of fear, hopelessness, and desperation when a woman is battered by her partner, a child witnesses the abuse of a loved one, or a senior is victimized by family members. Since the 1994 passage of the landmark Violence Against Women Act, championed by then Senator Joe Biden, our Nation has strengthened its response to this crime and increased services for victims. Still, far too many women and families in this country and around the world are affected by domestic violence. During National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we recommit ourselves to ending violence within our homes, our communities, and our country.
To effectively respond to domestic violence, we must provide assistance and support that meets the immediate needs of victims. Facing social isolation, victims can find it difficult to protect themselves and their children. They require safe shelter and housing, medical care, access to justice, culturally specific services, and economic opportunity. The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act supports emergency shelters, crisis intervention programs, and community education about domestic violence.
In the best of economic times, victims worry about finding a job and housing, and providing for their children; these problems only intensify during periods of financial stress. That is why the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides $325 million for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). This funding will supplement the Federal VAWA and VOCA dollars that flow to communities every year, and enable States, local governments, tribes, and victim service providers to retain and hire personnel that can serve victims and hold offenders accountable. These funds will also bring relief to victims seeking a safe place to live for themselves and their children.
Victims of violence often suffer in silence, not knowing where to turn, with little or no guidance and support. Sadly, this tragedy does not just affect adults. Even when children are not directly injured by violence, exposure to violence in the home can contribute to behavioral, social, and emotional problems. High school students who report having experienced physical violence in a dating relationship are more likely to use drugs and alcohol, are at greater risk of suicide, and may carry patterns of abuse into future relationships. Our efforts to address domestic violence must include these young victims.
During this month, . By providing young people with education about healthy relationships, and by changing attitudes that support violence, we recognize that domestic violence can be prevented. We must build the capacity of our Nation's victim service providers to reach and serve those in need. We urge community leaders to raise awareness and bring attention to this quiet crisis. And across America, we encourage victims and their families to call the National Domestic Violence Hot line at 1-800-799-SAFE. Together, we must ensure that, in America, no victim of domestic violence ever struggles alone.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2009, as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I ask all Americans to do their part to end domestic violence in this country by supporting their communities' efforts to assist victims in finding the help and healing they need.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
BUILD to BLEND wants to help you stay involved and abreast of issues,rights,details,advocacy and services surrounding Sexual and Domestic Violence
Click the links:
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I received this in a personal email and think it's important to share, not only because I do know some people who have been affected by HIV/AIDS but because this has been an important issue for me from my days of having a candy dish/plate full of condoms in my room for my friends and family alike to take--no questions asked--to attending college and passing out Condoms on campus. Listen, Minorities will always be in a loosing battle if we are not equipped or willing to take care of ourselves and our families.
You can show you care by reading this blog, passing the info on to family, friends and colleagues. signing the petition,
CVS is one of the nation's largest pharmacy and drugstore chains. With more than 6,000 stores across the country, they are a major provider of condoms to people of all ages. However, a recent study showed that CVS stores in low-income and minority neighborhoods tend to lock up condoms. Often times these stores are in communities where the rates of HIV infection are the highest.
Advocates for Youth, in partnership with the Cure CVS Campaign, is working with college organizations to push CVS to adopt a policy that would prohibit stores from locking condoms behind glass. CVS's largest competitor, Walgreen's, already has a policy in place forbidding locked condom cases. It's time that CVS does the same!
Report taken from
a report released by Change to Win highlights the fact that in many low-income and minority neighborhoods CVS stores display condoms only in locked cabinets. Those who want condoms must find a store employee and wait for them to unlock the cabinet – which might make some people turn right around and not buy the condom at all. The study looked at stores in Detroit, Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, New York City and Miami between September 2007 and January 2008. In some cities, the percentage of CVS stores with locked condoms was more than three times higher in communities of color than in areas that are predominately white.The cities listed also have some of the highest numbers of AIDS cases in the country.
CVS says they lock up condoms “based on whether shoplifting is to such a degree that they’re becoming unavailable for customers to purchase.” However, competitors Rite Aid and Walgreen's both have policies against locking up condoms.
Don’t let CVS create barriers for young people who want to act responsibly and protect themselves. Join Advocates for Youth and Change to Win in demanding that CVS adopt a corporate policy against locking up condoms!
Want to help make a difference Like I just did , sign the petition:
learn about Advocates for Youth, Click Here!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
SHE BIT HIS TONGUE OFF!-Convicted Rapist Fleds to Local Hospital

Convicted Rapist Loses Tongue to Victim
Quick Facts:
- Ronald McGowan, is a registered Sexual Offender and convicted Rapist (for Rape and Child Molestation)
- Arrested at hospital on Friday(Rancho Springs Medical Center) after seeking treatment, from having his Tongue Bitten off **Doctors unable to reattach**

- Tongue found in victim's apt. from attempted attack, hospital is across the street from where she resides and said to be about the size of a 50-cent piece.
- Ronald was booked Friday without bail at Southwest Detention Center on charges of suspicion of robbery, rape by force or fear, kidnap to commit robbery,committing a felony with great bodily injury
- McGowan arraignment is today at the Riverside Superior Court Southwest Justice Center
- Investigation into the rape in progress showed that victim was targeted and not a rare attack
- The woman, who reports to have suffered broken bones in her cheek and eye socket, she was released from Hospital.
For more on this story, check out the links provided below:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
One child is raped in South Africa every three minutes, a report by trade union Solidarity said on Wednesday. A report compiled by Solidarity Helping Hand said that while there were about 60 cases of child rape in South Africa every day, more than 88% of child rapes were never reported."This means that about 530 child rapes take place every day - one rape every three minutes," said spokesperson Mariana Kriel.
The report will be released by Solidarity Helping Hand It also contained statistics and facts about the levels of child murder, rape and abuse in South Africa."Several interviews with social workers and other employees of social welfare organizations across South Africa are included in the report, providing a unique look at the experiences of people who work with child abuse on a daily basis.
According to the report, the levels of child abuse in South Africa were increasing rapidly.The executive director of Solidarity Helping Hand, Danie Langner, said: "In 2007/08, 1 410 cases of child murder were reported - 22% more than in the previous year. In addition, it was found that 45% of all rapes in the country were child rapes.
The shocking reality, however, is that these figures do not nearly reflect the true extent of the problem. The report also highlighted the severe shortage of trained social workers and the difficult working conditions they faced."Certain organizations, such as Childcare South Africa, work with more than two million children and their families on a daily basis. This means that the average social worker handles nearly 200 cases each year, while the accepted norm is 60.

"Langner who was interviewed after th report came out was quoted as saying"For the first time in the country's history, social work is regarded as a scarce skill."
There were 12,500 registered social workers in South Africa in 2007. The difficult working conditions and poor remuneration packages meanwhile discourage people from following the career.
Langner said the report covered several issues, including the influence of gangs and drugs, as well as facts regarding child pornography and the trade in children. (see links at end of post for related stories)
"The simple fact that 80% of all children under the age of two that are helped at Childline in Port Elizabeth have skull fractures, or the fact that young boys are flagrantly abused by middle-aged men at advertised places in the Western Cape or the fact that 43% of all cases in which Childline South Africa is involved are those of sexually abused children, must simply be exposed,Langner said.
Helping Hand will also launch a CD Hande vir Hoop (Hands for Hope) at the launch of the report. Police director Piet Byleveld, one of the country's top detectives, will also receive an award for his contribution to child protection.
Pastor Rapes Eplipetic(seizure) girl twice after church service
man gets 20 yrs after raping 15yr. old girl in 2007
2 seperate men arrested in April for child rapes
child sex ring uncovered in South Africa
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Middle-School Teens in Tampa being tried as Adults in Sexual Assault Case

Randall Raymond Lee Diemante
This is very sad and developing story, going on in my Hometown(Tampa). I sat here pushing back a few tears, having trouble typing because it not only hurts me, but disturbs me deeply. I will keep you posted and follow this as much as I can. I posted pictures of the accused for principals that I hold dear.
I also would like all to understand a fundamental factor that is present in most cases involving victims of violence, that we as people(the public) tend to forget, It is "our"own who commit acts of violence against one another not random strangers as we would like to believe and conveniently hold .
Four Tampa middle-school students names listed below, will be tried as adults for Sexual Assault and Battery.
Randall John Moye, 14;
Raymond A. Price-Murray, 14
Lee Louis Myers, 14
Diemante J. Roberts, 15
When school officials questioned the defendants, all four admitted in a written statement that they had sexually assaulted the victim. it's important to note there was actual ongoing bullying investigation going on with the named individuals,but no one knew the extent and that it would later include rape(s) of the13yr. old they ganged up on. The victim didn't acknowledge being sexually assaulted until questioned.
What is equally sad is that several students and others were aware that he was being bullied for over two months and on one of the days in question April 30th,students heard the screams as he was attacked in the locker room but no one did anything about it. School Officials contacted the Authorities which led to the arrest of the Eight Graders. The victim finished out the school year at home.
On another note one of the accused students, who is represented by Atty. Tim Taylor made the statement that his client was from one of the finest in the community and brought several character witnesses forward to speak on his behalf including Raymond Moyle's mother Jeanne Meyers who wanted it known that her son wants to attend college and when asked about his confession statement, she dumbed it down by describing it as just "the guys clowning around in the locker room with a HOCKEY STICK , but added her son did say he held the victim down for a few seconds."
State Attorney's office Spokeswoman Pam Bondi said Wednesday that each boy faces four counts of sexual battery, stemming from "multiple incidents on different dates." Each count carries a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison. A 15,000 bond was set for each individual and automatic home monitoring (ankle monitors) on all except one, Moyle who relocated to live with his father. Diemante Roberts who remains in jail, will wear a monitor as well, he's the only one has not posted bail.
If you know someone who is being bullied or you suspect may need help please report! Ask for guidance on how to help a friend. The tauting and/or abuse of another is never okay and as you can see can lead to possibly more heinous crimes. It is often said that individuals feel more powerful and will act out more aggressively with intent when in pairs, groups or crowds compared to when acting out on violence alone. No Matter your age,
Here are links reporting on this story:
This link has good discussions points, interest and commentary on the case, Add your two cents at:
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Man Beaten Over Girl's Rape is Stable

Jose Carrasquillo, 26, has progressed from critical, to stable condition at Temple University Hospital after experiencing a brutal mob attack. Carrasquillo was badly beaten after his picture was shown by police for questioning in the rape of a 11-year-old girl in Philadelphia. A neighborhood mob took matters into their own hands after recognizing him and decided not to wait for formal charges or evidence. They just pummeled him. Police eventually arrived on the scene, only to arrest him on a unrelated bench warrant.
The girl in question dropped her sibling off at daycare,proceeded to walk to school when she was approached by a man who then started to walk with the victim, then threaten her.He took her to a nearby backyard and raped her repeatedly, authorities said.
Man faces Charges of Sexual Assault on 17yr old Girl at High School

17 year old Forrest Lake High School Student Sexually Assaulted
A 19 yr old Cambridge Man, Christopher Webster,was arrested 30 minutes after alleged assault on a victim who he may have been a acquaintance with. A staff member witness the incident and help detain suspect, while walking to office, Christopher Fled the scene but was quickly apprehended and is now in Washington County Jail. He entered the school through a locked side entrance that the victim opened for him after classes ended on Wednesday.
The school still had students and staff in the building at the time of incident and the school reports that there are 14 surveillance cameras in the school, but none of them covered the area between the exterior and interior doors where the assault took place.
For links to follow this story:
Christopher Webster was released pending investigation, the Atty. General has declined to pursue in favor of more information and has giving it back into the hands of the Forrest Lake Police Dept. to investigate further.
Man Post Rape from his Laptop onto the Internet

Man Videotapes Rape from his Laptop PC
Quick Facts:
- Feb. 26, 2009, at about 5 a.m., 20-year-old Jonathan Hock set up the web cam built into his laptop and broadcast live as he sexually assaulted as she lay in bed unconscious
- booked him on charges of sexual assault and surreptitious video taping
- Hock is very popular on site for his Sexual Behavior and antics.
- The victim had reportedly been asleep for up to six hours before the assault occurred.
- woman found pictures on the Web site of Hock lying next to her as she was asleep and naked from the waist down friends sent text messages after seeing it.
- Hock reportedly made comments about him being able to commit the assault without her knowledge while he performed various sexual acts
Anyone who may have information about this incident or other possible victims are urged to call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS (942-6377)
for more info on this developing story
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Janitor from El Modena High School charged for Sexually Assault of Special Education Student

Quick Facts:
- Mejia(49)charged with sexually assaulting a special education student in his campus office
- Faces charges of six felony counts of lewd and sex acts, one misdemeanor count of child annoyance.
- Arraignment is scheduled for Today in the Central Justice Center in Santa Ana, California
- Mejia has worked as a janitor at El Modena High School in Orange for 12 years.
- He exchanged written notes with the victim, including "I love you" cards and over 100 calls and text messages
- Several encounters at school in his office,relationship reported by girl's friend to principal
- According to prosecutors, he groomed her with candy,cards,gifts and money. He also instructed another janitor to cover a video surveillance camera with tape
- Orange Police Department, launched an investigation after being contacted by school
- Luis Mejia posted $250,000 bail and is not in custody, case number is 09CF1331,0,192209.story
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Ending The Silence in Egypt, Africa
While I was reading this article, reprinted below, I wanted to find more information,not just to support this story but to figure out why its "shadow" resembles the inner workings and connections to Sexual Violence and the many stereotypes, roles and perceptions that being a Woman or Man can carry. Is there any weight that this(Sexual Harassment)has potential to lead to more serious crime of Sexual Violence that Women,Girls and Men face here in the United States and Abroad?
Maybe after reading, it may help You grasp or understand the concept that Sexual Violence against Women is in fact a global issue that we are facing and by becoming aware you can now ask, How can I help? What can I, my family or even my friends do to bring awareness that women are being hurt, minorities are being hurt, that children are being hurt everyday by Sexual Violence?
What has helped me and what I continually have learned is when you start to question or ask questions, you eventually seek out and actually get answers and they in turn, will be in abundance. So get ready !( smile)
Egyptian Center for Women's Rights(check them out here ) published a study, a number of developments have helped advance awareness and bring redress closer to the many women who experience sexual harassment.
According to “Clouds in Egypt’s Sky,” ECWR’s study, 83 per cent of Egyptian women and 98 per cent of foreign women report that they have been sexually harassed, and the most common sites of harassment are on the street and public transport. A large number of men – 62.4 per cent – admitted to being or having been perpetrators of sexual harassment.
The study highlighted the differences in perceptions about different facets of sexual harassment. Respondents fell into three categories: Egyptian women, foreign women and Egyptian men.
Foreign women identified the widest variety of forms of sexual harassment. While many Egyptian and foreign women said that women of all categories are subjected to sexual harassment, most men thought that young women are the main victims.
The study’s respondents were shown pictures of women in different modes of dress. Generally, foreign women agreed that the way a woman is dressed does not determine whether she will be sexually harassed. However many Egyptians – more men than women- identified a woman pictured wearing a short sleeved shirt and short skirt, and with her hair uncovered as most likely to be a victim of sexual harassment.
Only 2.4 per cent of Egyptian women and 7.5 per cent of foreign women subjected to sexual violence reported it to the police. Most did not report because they thought that no adequate action would be taken.
The study also found that sometimes police officers mock or harass women who report, and this is a further deterrent. Blaming the victim is common with most other forms of sexual violence all over the world, there is a tendency in Egypt to blame the victim and excuse the assailant. (Sound familiar?)
A number of women did not report the crime to the authorities because they feared that by doing so they may ruin their own reputations.Many women interviewed seemed to agree that the silence needs to be preserved.
(Again! You see common stereotypes, tradition and gender roles that run rampant in communities. Which help perpetuate the general attitude toward responding to violence which is DON'T. What's worse is this"attitude"is taught, becoming a learned behavior, like a passed down oral tradition from family to family, society to society playing the same tune that even we as women who are the most victimized yet held the most accountable for the crimes done against us help uphold the standard of "SILENCE IS BEST")

About 53.8 percent of men said that women were to blame for being sexually harassed. The reasons they gave were inappropriate dressing, enjoying the attention or initiating the harassment. Some Egyptian women agreed that women bring it upon themselves when for instance they wear tight clothing.
Attitudes towards sexual harassment are beginning to change. In February this year, a bill seeking the introduction of stiffer penalties for sexual offenders was introduced into Egypt’s parliament. The law will also compel police to intervene in cases of sexual harassment. Two widely publicised landmark cases have contributed significantly to the impetus to deal with sexual harassment. In one, a young woman who was groped on the street filed charges against the assailant, who was jailed for three years and fined the equivalent of USD 900. Another man was sentenced to one year in prison for his involvement in a mob attack on some women on a Cairo street. Apart from these two cases there have been a number of arrests of offenders.
Although the steps forward are promising, the study shows that there is a long way to go in changing attitudes that are held by women and men about sexual harassment.
ECWR recommends widespread education to expand the understanding of sexual violence to encompass not only rape, but all forms of verbal and physical violence. The organisation wants police to be trained to respond to sexual harassment and a special reporting centre to be established for victims of sexual harassment.
In 2006, a commercial(Check it out below) was produced to show how visitors are harassed and how it not only effects tourism but the Country,but I think it's truly the local resident women who loose out more everyday.
For more on this story and related articles:
Friday, May 29, 2009
Nevada Man Gets combined Life Sentence for Sexual Assault of 2&6 year old Children

Nevada Man Gets Combined Life Sentence
Quick Facts:
- Chester Arthur Stiles will serve 21 life terms for two separate Sexual Assaults 2003&2007
- Darrin Tuck, man who "discovered"tape in is arrested in 2007 for felony charges of promoting child pornography and possession of child pornography
- Nationwide manhunt ensued after Stiles' videotape was found in Nevada Desert
- Stiles found guilty of 22 felony charges: 10 counts of sexual assault with a minor under 14 years of age, 10 counts of lewdness with a child under the age of 14, and one count of attempted sexual assault with a minor under 14.
- Judge folded 14 sentences together, ran eight sentences eight back-to-back
- Stiles can't seek parole for 140 years, his lawyers are appealing judges decision
- The victims were 2 and 6,one on videotape was daughter of his x-girlfriend's friend
- Stiles showed no remorse and in fact said he being treated worse then a murderer
- Darrin Tuck made plea agreement in 2008 to lessor charge of conspiracy to obstruct,by doing avoided previous felony charges of possession
For more background or information on this story
Friday, May 22, 2009
Former Deputy Pleads Guilty to Reduced Charges

Former St. John Parish deputy charged with rape pleads guilty to reduced charges
Quick Facts:
- Schaeffer pleads guilty to 2nd degree Battery and Malfeasance only
- 5 years probation on each count but NO jail time
- state recused itself but was replaced after decline in rapport with the complaining Victims
- Muntz, former victim made victim impact statement,feels judge too lenient as well
- fired from the Sheriff's Office in October 2008 after a State Police investigation
- Sentence: complete anger management and sensitivity counseling, plus domestic violence counseling,submit to random drug and alcohol screenings at his own expense and to pay fines and court costs totalling $4,718.50.
- proof of compliance hearing for August 5, 2009
My question to the judge is a simple one , Why? W hat questions or concerns do you have ?
Do you feel he gets a pass or got a pass because he was on the police force so many years?
if you are wondering if he is listed under any registry or if he even had to, the answer would be no.
For link on this story please click here:
Monday, May 18, 2009
Prostitution beyond the Myths-Documentary
Airs on Friday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. click here to find your local TV Station.
The documentary illustrates new solutions to the world’s oldest profession and features the stories of former prostitutes, along with the Minneapolis judiciary, law enforcement, and a research study currently being conducted in North Minneapolis.
Volunteers of America’s documentary, “Prostitution: Beyond the Myths,” produced with Twin Cities Public Television has won two Telly Awards. A Telly is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional and cable TV commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions. The awards received were in Documentary and Information-Public Policy categories.
The 30-minute documentary illustrates new solutions to the world’s oldest profession and features the stories of former prostitutes, along with the Minneapolis judiciary, law enforcement, and a research study currently being conducted in North Minneapolis.
Volunteers of America Minnesota operates the Women’s Recovery Center for women who are chemically dependent, homeless and have experienced multiple traumas, particularly those associated with a lifestyle of prostitution.
If you want to learn more about Volunteers of America in MN and what they can do for your community click the link
To find VOA in your state click here:
Find your station
Friday, May 15, 2009
Fugitive Marcial Torres Wanted for Sexual Assaulting a Relative

- Marcial Torres is wanted by cops in Anaheim for the sexual molestation of female relative.
- Victim told mom,who reported to police that same day
- Torres and the victim were alone in Torres' apartment on April 13, 2009
- Torres tied the girl up, forced himself on to her and covered her mouth with tape
- Police believe Torres molested her for almost a half an hour, untied the girl and allegedly told her not to say anything
- According to police he fled with his personal items, in his 2002 Brown Ford Ranger
- authorities say he sold the truck later that same day and could be in California, Texas, or Mexico
For more information on this case
If you have info that could help contact
Anahiem Police at 714-765-1900 or Your Local Police directly.
Call 1-800-CRIME-TV(274-6388)
Thursday, May 14, 2009

HTC are seeking artists, volunteers, participants, performers and presenters for the survivor art event in October. This conference helps survivors of domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, disability, war trauma, disease, disability, eating disorders, cancer, grief and loss display their heart felt art works, attend workshops and connect with other survivors. The conference is slated for October 2009. People can participate in Charleston WV, Bluefield VA, Roanoke VA or even online.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Looking for Speakers in Virginia

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Opportunity for survivors to be part of a Speaker's Bureau

Any survivor wishing to join the Survivor Caucus can do so at the Web site
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Church Leader pleads guilty to sexual assault in Franklin County

- Police have said the acts did not occur on church property and are not connected to the church.
- Two men who held leadership positions in the same Vinton church entered pleas Tuesday in unrelated sex crime cases involving children.
- Stone initially had been indicted on 24 felony charges, but some of them were dropped as part of a plea agreement.
- Stone is scheduled to be sentenced June 29,Silverman's sentencing is scheduled for July 7.
- Stone turned himself in to police 11/08 after he stood before the congregation at Church admitting he was in fact a molester
As reported on Roanoke Times
Dean Harold Stone, a former deacon at Heritage Baptist Church, pleaded guilty in Franklin County Circuit Court to 12 sex crimes. He faces up to three life sentences in jail.
Daniel Silverman, the church's former assistant pastor, pleaded no contest in Roanoke County Circuit Court to one count of aggravated sexual battery of a child. He faces up to 20 years in prison.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Freedom For Survivors of Sexual Abuse:Forum

Received this in a email and thought someone can benefit from this. I also looked up a few websites with their links provided below:
Outreach for clergy sexual abuse victims, their families and loved ones.
Saturday May 2,2009 @12:15 p.m. St.Francis Convent 116 8th Ave. SE, Little Falls, MN 56345
Minnesota men who were sexually abused as children openly discuss their injuries and steps to recovery, survivors of clergy sex abuse and male victims of incest will discuss the following:

- decades long history and understandings of the Catholic Crosier Religious Order
- sexual abuse of area boys and the negative impact of the abuse on area families.
- the battles of stepping out of the shadows of silence of childhood rape and victimization
- the long-term ramifications of the abuse on the men, their families and loved ones.

The forum includes: a written questions and answer session (written questions are to insure anonymity)
sharing of survivor stories resources from area child advocacy centers and agencies established area support groups
*A private and confidential SNAP Survivor Support Group will follow the public presentation.
Listed below are just some of the reasons you should attend or take a loved one. Equally important, when left unchecked or talked about it will continue to affect our community, your personal environment. Please help spread the word about this!
Childhood sexual abuse is associated with a greater risk of: Suicide; Alcoholism; Drug abuse; Re-victimization; Unintended pregnancy; Eating disorders; Self-mutilation; Depression; Insomnia; Seductive behaviors, Prostitution; Confusion of sexuality and nurturing behavior; Relationship problems; Sexually transmitted disease; Identity disturbances; and Involvement in physically abusive relationships as adults.
Need more information?
contact any of the following or check website for updates.
Bob Schwiderski from Wayzata, MN SNAP Director, 952-471-3422,
Craig Martin from St. Cloud, CMSAC, Male Services Coordinator, 320-251-4357
Julie Kapsch from Little Falls, Hands of Hope, Sexual Assault Services Coordinator, 320-632-1657
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Homeless Minorities at greater risk for Sexual Violence among other things According to U of Washington Study

"People tend to think homeless are a homogeneous group. We are trying to show this isn't true," said co-author Ana Marie Cauce, a UW psychology professor.
"A lot of people believe homeless adolescents are on the street by their own choice. That usually isn't the case," said Bryan Cochran, lead author of the study and a UW doctoral student in psychology.
When you see these quotes above:
Does it motivate you to find out more?
Do you think all homeless females are prostitutes by choice?
Do you believe that your friend(s)may have been homeless at one point in their life?
Do you want to help debunk the myth that only Young White Heterosexual, Older African -American Males are the ones who live on the street?
Homelessness hits all of us in various ways and no one is hit harder then the parent of a child on the street.
“Homeless youths who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender have a perilous existence on the street. Compared to heterosexual homeless youth, they experience more physical and sexual violence, use more drugs and abuse them more frequently, have more sexual partners and have higher rates of mental illness”, according to a new University of Washington study.
*The study that was done by the University was multi-ethnic,of which Fifty-five percent were male and out of that an overwhelming majority, 71 of 84, identified themselves as bisexual.
I myself haven’t been homeless,but I had the pleasure as a youth to work on behalf of Homeless Adults. I also had a few friends growing up,just like many others out reading this who didn't think that it would be that bad to live alone, be free, have fun, chill with friends, not have to work, come and go as you please, be a free spirit and etc.. Not one of us knew the implications or the problems this new found freedom and glory would have in our lives. and like so many youth out there right now, we also had underlying reasons for walking or running away or may have felt at the time, in that very moment had no choice or recourse.
As I type this, I am still looking for and holding out for Jenny(my free spirit)who at the age of 17 decided to be a drifter. The last I heard of her was a year later, she was said to be teaching youth to rally,sounds just like Jenny! Man, I hope she made it and for those reading who may be in fact wondering, the answer is YES, she was a Libra. The last thing we did together was talk which lead to laughter, then dancing in a circle spinning 'til we fell down. She then told me she was into women,thinking of eating only cheese(as a protest) proceeded to kiss me then said,always remember to make ME happy and just F__ the world!
Well, to all my "Jenny's" may you be safe on your journey home & you will be happy to know I finally learned how to make me happy.
Hopefully by continuing to read this blog among other sources, you increase your awareness and sympathy to the fight we have ahead of us to make everyone save.
The study showed sexual minorities had nearly twice as many sexual partners in their lives than did heterosexual homeless youth, 24 vs. 13. Both groups reported having unprotected sex about half the time. However, Cochran said, the important factor is who street youth are having sex with and sexual minorities may be more likely to be having sex with partners who have HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.
I think that it is important that we not only be aware of but address the different issues that may come when dealing with someone who was or currently is homeless. You never can know who come to your doorstep, clinic or group so for that alone we should learn not to be so technical, mechanical when it come to playing a supportive role, or assuming that everyone is a “clinical case”. We should follow the rule of thumb like we do when it comes to sexual violence,which is that no two Victims of a sexual crime or abuse will be alike, that is especially true of women and men who have been or continue to live on the street.
The study gave insight on what is a staggering scaling problem for each city.
Click the link for full article
if you are a runaway or know one who is call 1-800-RUN-AWAY(786-2929)
if you would like help or info check out these resources
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Gender Stereotyping-Assessment (Repost)

We want to provide information, assessments, exercises and relevant news in our blogs that you can use as an individual, amongst your friends,family or even as a aid.
*The goal of this assessment is to measure stereotyping in the context of relationships and responsibility.
Directions: Choose the best response according to your beliefs.
CLICK BELOW to take our Gender Stereotyping Assessment
**Higher score will denote a more stereotypical attitude**
If you have questions, call in to our show (347)215-9292. Tune in to BlogTalkRadio Starting May 10, 2009
As always, send your feedback, questions or suggestions to
Friday, April 17, 2009

Save The Date 4/20 starts week long”Awareness” for Men
I received this in an email and thought it was important to share with you. I'm not just saying this because I want everyone to be aware of, and speak out against, violence, but because this is something you can do that won’t cost you thing. Nevertheless I can guarantee you that value will be long-lasting.
Participants are asked to keep the White Ribbon image as their profile picture on social networking sites for at least one week. They are also are asked to explain the meaning behind white ribbon should anyone inquire about it and to encourage others to change their profile picture as well.

Be sure to check out Our group pages:
BlogTalkRadio: www.blogtalkradio/build2blend
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2009

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2009
(coordinated evidence-based responses to end sexual violence)
The conference is aimed at promoting research on sexual violence, highlighting innovation and encouraging sharing and networking in the area of sexual violence.
This global event will bring together over 200 participants working on sexual violence as researchers, gender activists, funders, policy makers, service providers, survivors and others.
This conference will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa from July 6th to 9th 2009 and is sponsored by Sexual Violence Research Initiative
For more info on SVRI-Sexual Violence Research Initiative check the main website:
Avianto-Tel: 27 11 668 3000
Heia Safari-Tel: 27 11 919 5000
Glenburn Lodge-Tel: 27 11 668 1600
Kloofzight- Tel: +27 11 317 0600
Garden Lodge- Tel: +27 11 745 0400
Aloe Ridge Hotel- Tel: +27 11 957 2070
La Terrasse- Tel: +27 (0)11 561 3111
Minority Report:Resources For People of Color
- National Black Nurses Association
- The Office of Minority Health
- Association of Minority Health Professional Schools
- Black Midwives & Doulas
- Thick Sistas- resource for people of color that are "Thick"
- Black Women's Health
- National Council of Negro Women
- Black Aids Institute
- NetNoir:Black News and Lifestyles
- BlackGirl:Network/Resource for Black Women
- National Black Justice Coalition:News/Legal Resources for GLBT Communities
- GBF:Magazine/Filmworks for Black Lesbians
- Fo'Brothas:Empowerment/Support of Black Gay Men
- Gay Men of African Descent
- Arab Lesbian Women and Allies Network